A listbox is a box containing a list. We use listbox to show more than one index on a page. Listboxes can be list items and they can nest, but they don’t have to. They can be expandable, draggable, and sortable. You can have a single listbox on a page so long as that page could show multiple indexes with enough user data; they don’t need to be logicked out in the view file. For example, the Yuletide Recs collection is a collection that only contains bookmarks, but the bookmark index on the collection index is still a listbox. This is allowed because, if someone added a work to the collection, there would also be a work index on that page.
Listbox styles are declared in 11-group-listbox.css. Listbox is part of the group supertype.
A listbox can be any block container that can contain these blocks: h1—6
, p
, div
, ul
, ol
, dl
. So this means a listbox could be a:
(not recommended)form.listbox
(not recommended)
You can never have an inline listbox of any kind. You can never have a listbox with restricted children: no table.listbox
, ol.listbox
, ul.listbox
, or dl.listbox
The first element inside a listbox is always a heading, and it always contains an index (i.e. <ol class="index group">
, <ul class="index group">
, or <dl class="index group">
). It might also contain a note (e.g. <p class="note">
) or actions (e.g. <p class="actions">
) outside the index.
Quick reference
- [...]
- always included
- {...}
- sometimes included
[listbox] [heading] {span actions} [/heading] {p note}{/p} {ul actions} {div form} [index] {listbox}...{/listbox} [/index] {p note} {ul actions} [/listbox]
XHTML diagram
The following diagram is taken from an index of fandoms for a specific media type. It’s an example of multiple listboxes within an index.
<ol class="alphabet fandom index group">
<li class="letter listbox group">
<h3 class="heading">A</h3>
<span class="action top"> <a>↑</a></span>
<ul class="tags index group">
<li class="letter listbox group">
<h3 class="heading"...
<span class="action top"...
<ul class="tags index group">
We call it listbox (instead of indexbox) because a listbox might be a dynamically inserted form or form component, and therefore would need managed focus. This seems most closely related to the ARIA role listbox.
There are currently no listboxes in the codebase with the role listbox.